

Cyber Harbor is a company established
in response to the full-scale
invasion by russia,

with a clear mission to provide the state and critical infrastructure companies with innovative tools to counter wartime cyber threats.

Founded by a team of engineers with experience in penetration testing and software development for external infrastructure reconnaissance and cyber risk assessment, Cyber Harbor has achieved significant milestones.



With these accomplishments, Cyber Harbor continues to be at the forefront of ensuring cybersecurity during challenging times.

Data Analysis Platform
Developed and maintained a large-scale platform for analyzing and finding relations among structured and unstructured data for the Ministry of Defense.
Threat Actors Activity Monitoring
Established a system for collecting and transmitting detailed data on threat actors groups activities targeting Ukraine’s critical infrastructure. This information is shared with the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity under the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.
“eRocket” Project
Developed and maintained the backend and frontend for the largest acoustic detection system of aerial threats. This system is a key component for informing air defense about low-flying unmanned aerial vehicles.
Support for NPO “Detected”
Provided instrumentation and a significant amount of OSINT data to launch the partner organization NPO “Detected”, which collaborates with the Human Rights Ombudsman’s office, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and other institutions to locate children abducted from Ukraine.
Cybersecurity Communication Enhancement
Improved cybersecurity communication among government institutions by organizing a series of workshops and masterclasses for the Ministry of Defense, the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity, the General Staff, and other agencies.
Energy Sector Cybersecurity
Significantly enhanced the cybersecurity of several critical energy facilities managed by “KNESS Group.”

/core team

We are not only about safety, quality and innovative
technologies, but also about dignity,
duty and justice.

Ihor Krailo
Ihor Krailo
Co-founder, Chief Visionary Officer (CVO)
Roman Romanov
Roman Romanov
Co-founder, CEO
Alexander Hromak
Alexander Hromak
Co-founder, CTO
Nataliia Gerasymenko
Nataliia Gerasymenko
Project manager
Ihor Krailo-thumb
Roman Romanov-thumb
Alexander Hromak-thumb
Nataliia Gerasymenko-thumb